Print your minis, terrain and OTHER 3D MODELS with ease

Upload your files and get an instant quote on a Computer or Tablet

We’re a 3D printing business specialising in printing miniatures and terrain for anyone that needs it easily without any extra hassle.

Visit on a PC or Tablet for the best experience, check out what we’re up to on social media or our products on Etsy in the meanwhile.

Print your minis, terrain and OTHER 3D MODELS with ease
Upload your files to get an instant quote

We’re a 3D printing business specialising in printing miniatures, terrain and anything related, making 3D printing accessible to everyone.
Upload your STL and OBJ files and we’ll handle the rest while you sit at home, painting and playing.
Our Maximum file sie is 128MB

Units: Millimeters (mm)

Upload files or drag and drop here
All uploads are protected according to data protection laws.
Sculpts are designed and owned by their respective artists.